মঙ্গলবার, মার্চ ২৭, ২০১২

The best method ever

Best Sharecash method, don't be too excited!

The best Share cash method is... your own!? Don't be mad or angry now I'm actually try to help you. The truth is, nobody is ever going to tell you their method. If I tell one person what file I'm earning money from, they too will use the same file and my earnings will be cut by 50%. If I'm earning $200 a day and then I make my method public, 100 people will use it and it will bring you all $2 a day, maybe a little more.

best method to make money
Asking for methods isn't going to get you anywhere. Use your initiative, work hard test out many different methods and take the time to plan a unique method. I guess the point of this topic is to answer all of you guys with this - You can't expect to be spoon fed everything on this blog. If you are really too noob to develop your own method, you are going to be earning a dollar a day for the rest of your life. You don't want this right?

So what should i do to make money

All the methods on my blog are the foundation for your own. What you going to do here is to combine some methods, make your own, think about it and choose the one that really brings you cash. Don't put all your money on one horse. What I'm trying to say is, if you put all your effort in one blog like I did, and later on it get's deleted, hacked, or devastated because of copied content you will be screwed. Instead of having one blog, ever though to have 10 of them. If you have one you tube video, ever thought to make more of them. Don't put everything on one horse and you will make money in no time.

- Take a paper and a pencil and start brainstorming. Think about what methods could bring it.
- Once you have some nice ideas It's time to use 'em.
- Try all the methods out, if some method doesn't work and get no downloads after a week then it's time to choose another method.
- The last thing you going to do is to give up. Never give up, only patience is the key to success.

internet addictionI know, internet marketing just sucks out the life of one. Personally, I'm in internet marketing since a year, and to be honest I found it awesome and really funny working on the internet and share cash. I worked non stop 8 months in a row, not really working on a niche, or trying to get downloads. I just made blogs and videos and tried to make them better looking, add some features, make funny videos and stuff like that. Of course i worked hard to make money too. The first 8 months I was kinda excited "O man i make money online", afterwards I got kinda pissed of. I just couldn't imagine my computer or internet, i felt terrible. I got so bored, I felt no interests, nothing. Even if a had a hot female visitor I was like "O my god, can you just leave me alone please". I haven't seen my grandma or grandpa since i became such a internet addict. I was a big terrible disaster.

How you avoid this? It's easy just make a plan. Instead of sitting non stop, not concentrated and not focused, exercise, go and swim, take a break and meet some girls/guys, play a sport or similar things. You need to organize yourself, I know internet is a big addiction, but nothing will happen if you don't say "Fu** man I go and take a walk". Nothing will ever change if you don't want it to change. You butt will hurt you eyes will burn and you won't make it anywhere. Trust me you get much more focused and get tons of ideas while playing some sport or exercising, not only that, you will be much more healthier and you will have more time and visit your family or friends. You will have a better vision and your brain will be clear and open for new ideas.

You can talk with other persons, with your friends about what you want to achieve. Here you can watch them straight in the eyes, and you will see that he want's to help you, you may become partners. Instead of asking some guys from other sites with your niche, trust me he won't reveal you any secrets or help you, he may want to exchange links and that's it, the top of the pyramid is reached. The worst thing is to get backstabed from those "internet partners".

Conclusion - Take it easy

Yes indeed, keep your life simple don't hash. Make a plan of everything, I know no plan can be exactly full filled every day, but try the best. Think about niches and methods, nothing will fall from the sky. You are the one that needs to create it. You may use and work on other activities during the off internet marketing season. However if you want to spend your time with your computer you may try some alternatives and learn a programming language, learn to use some of the adobe products, create ads for your website or just do what makes you happy.

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